Economy :-Economic is a social science fat analyser the population distribution and conception of good and services
Meaning type and sector of economy
Economic : - it is a social science fat analyser the population distribution and conception of good and services. It is subdivided into microeconomics which examines the behaviour of ferms ,consumer and the role of government and macroeconomic which deal with inflation unemployment industrial production economic
n of role of government.
Type of economy
#Socialist economy: - is economic
characterized by existence of public enterprise or state ownership of capital in all the important spheres of economic activity
#Capitalist economy:- it is characterized by existence of private enterprise and ship of all important factor of production
#Mixed economy:- in the mixed economy, the government will provide essential goods and services market fails to produce well. This system public and private sector coexist. India's economy is a mixed economy
#Sectors of economy
. Primary sector: - the primary sector of economy direct use of natural resources. This includes agriculture, roasters and fishing, mining, extension of oil and gas. Primary sector of Indian economic is agriculture and the related sector
. Secondary sector: - this sector generally taken the output primary sectors and manufactures finished goods. All industrial production when physical goods the produce come the secondary sectors
. Tertiary sector: - it involves providing intangible goods like services. Financial Services, management, consultancy, and IT are good examples of service sectors.
I hope you like the information of "Economy"
Economy :-Economic is a social science fat analyser the population distribution and conception of good and services
Meaning type and sector of economy
Economic : - it is a social science fat analyser the population distribution and conception of good and services. It is subdivided into microeconomics which examines the behaviour of ferms ,consumer and the role of government and macroeconomic which deal with inflation unemployment industrial production economic
n of role of government.
Type of economy
#Socialist economy: - is economic
characterized by existence of public enterprise or state ownership of capital in all the important spheres of economic activity
#Capitalist economy:- it is characterized by existence of private enterprise and ship of all important factor of production
#Mixed economy:- in the mixed economy, the government will provide essential goods and services market fails to produce well. This system public and private sector coexist. India's economy is a mixed economy
#Sectors of economy
. Primary sector: - the primary sector of economy direct use of natural resources. This includes agriculture, roasters and fishing, mining, extension of oil and gas. Primary sector of Indian economic is agriculture and the related sector
. Secondary sector: - this sector generally taken the output primary sectors and manufactures finished goods. All industrial production when physical goods the produce come the secondary sectors
. Tertiary sector: - it involves providing intangible goods like services. Financial Services, management, consultancy, and IT are good examples of service sectors.
I hope you like the information of "Economy"
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