Educational Information001 / Best Infomation quotes about life ~ Every thing

quotes about life

quotes about life:-These quotes are helping which is change lifestyle. If you work on these quotes. 

quotes about life (1)

                   #.APJ Abdul Kalam

          India's (Missile man)

          Ex-president of India

quotes about life

1. All birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but Attitude makes the difference !!

quotes about life

2. Confidence and Hard work is the best medicine to kill the dises=ases called failure, It will bemake your successful person

quotes about life (2)

#. Bill Gate

CEO:- Microsoft 
quotes about life

     If you are born poor it's not your mistake, But if you die poor it's your mistake

 quotes about life (3)

#.Nelson Mandela

                   (Gandhi of S.A)

quotes about life

" Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world "

quotes about life (4)

#. Mark Jakarbark

                CEO:- Facebook, Instagram, What's app

quotes about life

1. People Think Innovation is just having a good idea, But a lot of it is just moving quickly and taking a lot of things

quotes about life

 2. Move fast and break thing. Unless you are breaking stuff you and not move fast enough

quotes about life (5)       

                          #. Insten

quotes about life

1. Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution

quotes about life

 2. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. 

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